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masonic ring collage
Three depictions of a fictional masonic initiation.

Wire in the blood (2006)
At the story’s conclusion there is no implication that Freemasonry was linked to a suicide cult responsible for seven deaths but the fanciful depiction of a masonic initiation provides an important piece of narrative misdirection. Almost the first image seen is that of a white square and compasses embroidered on a robe’s cuff.
The narrative moves from an initiation to a raising, complete with satin cowled figures, their robes imprinted with square and compasses emblems; the recitation of garbled masonic ritual and one raising “to the sublime degree of master mason” [00:20:00] followed by the introduction of a hinted police cover-up; a purported masonic handshake; identification of the murder with geometry followed by a shot of William Blake’s Ancient of Days holding an open compasses which is than identified with the corna or devil sign.
While labelling Freemasonry as either “a dinner club for middle-age businessmen” or a cult demanding loyalty and obedience, freemasons are also presented as the principal suspects until it is clear that the only link to Freemasonry is the fact that one of the victims happened to have been a freemason.
When Hill is told that another victim, Sacker, “made a complaint to IPCC two weeks before he was killed. Nobody will tell me what about.” he responds, “Freemasons,” as if membership in a fraternity constitutes motive . Hill’s only evidence is his personal belief that “secrecy corrupts.”
The lodge and its members are found to have no involvement in the deaths, but the masonic membership of at least one senior police officer ls depicted as inappropriate, and the freemasons are depicted as either interfering with the investigation or being uncooperative.

Wire in the Blood Season 4, Episode 4: “Hole In The Heart.” Directed by A.J. Quinn, written by Niall Leonard, film editing by Philip Hookway. Mark Letheren, Mark Penfold, Peter Sullivan, Emma Handy, Simone Lahbib, Robson Green, Amy Hal, Aaron Crisp, Henry Miller, Maggie Ollerenshaw, Shaughan Seymour, Bob Kingdom, Gwanwyn Mason, Evie Dawnay, Felix Scott, Daud Shah, Michael Cochraine. 2006/08/25.